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Product Information

Directed by: Dirk de Villiers
Country: South Africa, 1976
Color / 1.33:1 Academy
Language: English
Running Time: 82 minutes + Extras
Other titles: Glenda
Region: 1

Note: This DVD is out of print

Back in the bad old days of the 1970s, South Africa suffered under one of the most repressive governments the world has known. Most forms of fun were either frowned upon or banned outright. And the notion of a woman joyously dancing naked was enough to cause a riot. Particularly if her partner was a sensual, slithering snake!

SNAKE DANCER tells the true story of a woman who dared to be different and, in doing so, showed a whole country that it was possible to break the rules and still survive.

But above all, what the film shows is the incredible dancing and sensual live shows of the amazing Glenda Kemp, who stars as herself. And make no mistake; once you've seen her in action, you'll realize why her government tried to ban her - and why a whole nation cheered her on!

Special Features:

  • Interview with director Dirk de Villiers (9 mins)
  • Featurette: South African exploitation cinema: An interview with South African film critic Trevor Steele-Taylor (6 mins)
  • Extensive notes and text essays
  • Mondo Macabro previews


Glenda Kemp, Peter Elliot, Wilson Dunster, Bruce Milar, Christine Basson.

Product CodeMOD130

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